After a brief registration process (which can be done digitally right from your phone), your first acupuncture session will begin with an in-depth health consultation. One of our acupuncture physicians will spend about 20-30 minutes face to face time with you discussing all of your health concerns. Giving you a clear understanding about your health concern whether it be an orthopedic pain problem, an internal medicine issue, a gynecological issue or a combination of different health problems you would like to treat. Our acupuncture physicians will then proceed to give you a recommendation as to what would be best course of treatment for you, how acupuncture-Traditional Chinese Medicine can help, and a realistic expectation as to how many treatments it will take. Within any given acupuncture treatment, in addition to the acupuncture, you may receive: tui-na massage , cupping therapy, electro-acupuncture, herbal consultation (with a formula prescribed specifically for your condition), nutritional, exercise or lifestyle advice and all at no extra charge to you.
After a brief registration process (which can be done digitally right from your phone), your first massage treatment will begin with a health consultation. One of our amazing massage therapists is going to sit down with you to discuss your concerns, whether it be a specific area of muscle tension/pain or if you just need something relaxing due to stress caused by the hustle and bustle of daily life. They will give you their best recommendation for treatment strategy to help you reach your health goals. Afterwards, you will dress down to your level of comfort and one of our therapists will give you a blissful massage. Before and after each massage our therapists take detailed notes to mark progress and make sure each massage is catered specifically to your needs. After your massage sit back on the couch, enjoy some tea prepared for you, before having to get up and rejoin the world again.
After a brief registration process (which can be done digitally right from your phone), your first cupping session will begin with an in-depth health consultation. Cupping is great for patients who suffer from muscular tension, pain and want to get treatment but aren't comfortable with acupuncture needles. Cupping is also a wonderful recovery tool for athletes who are trying to keep their bodies in tip top shape to compete at a high level. Once the cups are on, it only takes about 10-15 minutes and you will walk out loose, limber and feeling brand new.
After a brief registration process (which can be done digitally right from your phone), your first herbal consultation will begin with a detailed health consultation. Patients come in to the clinic for a wide variety of ailments. Many people suffer from symptoms that go far beyond physical pain. These patients have internal problems. This type of medicine is referred to as internal medicine. Although this would be included in any acupuncture treatment, there are some patients who are not comfortable with the acupuncture needles. Well if this is the case, an herbal consultation is perfect for you. To solve an internal problem, you need internal medicine aka Chinese Herbal Medicine. After your initial health consultation one of our physicians shall recommend 1 or more Chinese herbal formulas to help you with your health concern.