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I Want Cupping

Cupping in all of its different forms places a cup over the skin creating a vacuum so blood is drawn to the surface of the skin in specific areas where the body needs healing. The cups may be made of, glass, bamboo, earthenware or silicone. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is most common to use perform fire cupping. When performing fire cupping a practitioner will use forceps, a cotton ball soaked in 90 proof alcohol, and a glass cup. The fire is quickly placed into the glass cup to remove all the oxygen creating a vacuum, then the glass cup is quickly applied to the skin before the oxygen returns.


The skin will rise into the glass cup and begin to redden as the presence of blood arrives. Cups are usually left on the body for 3-5 minutes and no longer than 10-15 minutes.

History of Cupping

It is believed that cupping has been practiced as early as 3000 BC. The Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical textbooks in the Western world, describes the Egyptians’ use of cupping, as well as many other living in the Sahara of Northern Africa. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates used cupping for internal disease and structural problems. Muhammad was also a big proponent of cupping.


Muslim scientists continued to develop cupping further into what is know as Hijama. Cupping and its multiple forms spread into medicine throughout Asian and European civilizations. In China, the earliest use of cupping that is recorded is from 281–341 A.D.



  • Arthritis

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Hip Pain

  • Neck Pain  

  • Pinched Nerve

  • Shoulder Pain  

  • Low Back Pain

  • Sciatica

  • Stress



Cupping which was once unknown here in the United States has become a common household name since the Rio Olympics. Viewers witnessed athletes from around the world, from Asia to Europe and even from right here in the United States, with big red circles on their bodies from cupping treatments. All of a sudden people were curious about cupping therapy and wanted to try it out ever since they saw famous athletes doing it. Athletes such as:


  • Michael Phelps

  • Natalie Coughlin

  • Alex Nadar

  • Daisuke Matsuzaka

  • Anthony Joshua

What to Expect During

A Cupping Treatment

With the growing number of request for cupping treatment

people always ask the same two questions:


- Does cupping hurt? -


Cupping creates a unique sensation that doesn’t compare to anything you may have experienced before. Because of natural suction, there is a pulling sensation at the skin and muscle layer that results in a tight feeling under the cups. The first few minutes can be a little intense, soon the sensation diminishes and most patients enjoy the endorphin rush that comes with cupping.


- How long do the bruises last for? -


It is a common misconception but the marks left by cupping are not bruises. A bruise is caused by impact trauma leading to breakage of capillaries and a rush of fluids to the damaged tissue. The marks from cupping are the result of having internal unwanted toxins pulled up to the skin. These purplish marks represent stagnation in Traditional Chinese Medicine and can last for a few hours to as long as 15 days.

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